Saturday, February 13, 2010

The beginning!

Well here we (and by we I mean I) are, starting our very own blog in our very own apartment. Curtis is setting up the TV we just got... it's big. If you know me well, you know that I am not a fan of the big huge TV sucking up all the space in my livingroom--it's not like we have that big of a place anyways-- but he wanted it so bad, and I am tired of watching movies on his laptop! So here I am, playing on my new laptop (yay!) that he got me for valentines day : ) Honestly I think he just got it for me to keep me from getting mad at him for getting the TV... I guess he's getting smart about it.

Anyways, today is a lovely day!


  1. Yay for blogs! Glad to hear he is treating you well after you let him get his tv! :) Hope all is well with you guys.

  2. Yay for blogs! I'm so happy you guys set one up. My blog is private, so I'll add your email address to the invite list so we can be blogging buddies! :)

  3. YAY, now we can keep up with each other! I love blogs! By the way, I am your cousin, Tyson's wife:)
