Sunday, October 10, 2010


Yaaayyy I love California! I wish we could have stayed longer, but living in a hotel with small children is not much fun after the novelty wears off for them!

We took all the grandkids and almost all the family with us too--we haven't had a family vacation in al least 5 years, maybe more!! The boys loved Disneyland (of course lol) except for the first part of the day Ian was not having fun! He got sooo constipated the day before for some reason, and his little tummy was hurting him in the morning! Ashleigh and Alex did everything they could, and finally around 12 he pooped! Alex said it was the biggest poop he'd ever seen haha and when he walked out of the bathroom, he said "I love this place now!" You can tell we have some pretty funny kids!

On Friday we went to Seal Beach and had tons of fun, even though the water was freeeezing! Saturday we stopped in Newport Beach so Dad could eat at his Crab Cooker (that was all he could talk about in the days coming up to the trip lol) and I wanted to go in the water sooo bad, but I know I would have regretted it driving home with sand all over me. I hope me and Curtis can go to the beach again soon!

Ash and the boys get to stay for another week, yay! Alex had to leave this morning : ( The guys get the short end of the stick sometimes because of their jobs; but they are all troopers and work so hard!

I'll get some pics up shortly--I'm stealing them from Ash and Lauren. I can't wait till we can afford a new camera!!

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